-=L.o.F LAB LOVEFUR CREATE=- presents it's project - Citybox.
All admirers of science fiction, cosmic voyages, traveling to distant planets and adventures in endless space will like this product.
Citybox is a multi-functional object which can be used for many aims - as night club, store or space laboratory for your investigations.
Citybox will express your respect and love to science and space.
System of Citybox unpacking is very simple:
1) Unpack with 'Rezz button' in the menu which appears after rezzing.
2) Please move it only with the package.
3) When a place for Citybox is ready touch the package and click the button 'Save' and delete the package.
4) Works on and off the room lighting on the main control panel
5) Animated views of two windows
6) Don't forget to make a landmark into Citybox.
After purchase do not forget to leave your comments and evaluation on the site
Truly yours, L.o.F.
Very Very Pleased
This is my first purchase from this seller, I Feel very relaxed and at Home when inside this master peace. "LoveFur" also showed me her Clubs, The Atmosphere in her work when finished is amazing,
This is also MOD so I've made it into my Media Room.
Well worth the little money it costs and I'm waiting on her new items when there finished.
The seller herself was amazing, even though English is not her first Language she still go's out of her way to rez and show items to me. Also I feel it's very important to mention that, If you would like to see her items, then If you messaged and ask politely she will message back and offer to show you items of interest.
Very good. Five stars. Nice texture, I'm happy. Thank U.