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♥Long and Short Owl Necklace Unisex♥ PROMO - HALLOWEEN

♥Long and Short Owl Necklace Unisex♥ PROMO - HALLOWEEN

2 necklace unisex long and short with little owl

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BAD fit
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 11, 2019 by NikitaAniketos

Sophie's position parameters didn't quite work for me; I guess your mileage may vary, but it was still DIFFICULT to get the necklaces into a halfway decent looking position, so I concur wholeheartedly.

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Cute, but VERY poor positioning...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 11, 2019 by paratracker

The long necklace is pretty far off... rotations of <277.29999, 4.20001, 355.20001> is the best compromise I could find, but it still needs to float over shoulders to prevent breaking over the first rib below the sternum, because the right side will be closer to the chest than the left. Either the template was poorly made or it was poorly positioned when the owl was attached. Here is my suggested fix for the short necklace: <354.54999, 277.50000, 252.70000>, so it is actually worse than the long one. Given how far off both necklaces are, this set is grossly overpriced. Sadly, I bought a set for two of my friends at the same time.

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L$ 10

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Miss Jewell
Miss Jewell
Sold by: Cheryne Jewell

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