Don't forget to visit our brand new in-world public park and forest sanctuary next to our shop, where you can see all of the birds, animals and forest creations we offer, as well as relax in a space made to be an example of one of the most immersing wild spaces in SL. Hang out, take photos or meditate and dont forget to turn on sounds to hear the most advanced natural soundscape you have EVER experienced in SL and advanced lighting model as well so you dont miss that every single rock and tree is covered in full materials mapping and shading. All this dynamically changing ALL through the day cycle.
Here we have the Version 2.0 Golden Crowned Sparrow, known as "the sound of the north" this is a VERY special bird to me and I think you all will appreciate the improvements ALL over the model. Refinements that are both obvious and not so obvious at first are far too many to list here. However, during this past summer I was able to capture additional high quality songs with a rather unique and distinct sound from the previous models so the new GCS has all of the original pretty songs on-board with the addition of several more to add variety. With all of the enhancements that are now part of my standard workflow this bird is certainly worthy of wearing that crown.
New Features:
TWICE THE ANIMATION - Using some new tricks with mesh I was able to incorporate twice the number of animation frames and this ON TOP of the prim animation. Taking advantage of improved randomizing in the control scripting, all of the LC birds will move even more realistically and randomly with thousands of possible postures.
As per user requests: Full MENU control over day/night visibility, sound on/off and volume (so you can now shut them up if you need to), reset to default, and a STOP ANIMATION to freeze position in BOTH sculpt and prim animation to allow photographers to freeze them in just the right position for the perfect shot.
Textures: All of the updated and new LC birds now have hyper detailed texture mapping making use of AO (ambient occlusion) for added depth and realism. EVERY SINGLE update and new bird now gets a FULL hand painted texture treatment to ensure that there is no unrealistic "photo-texture" look. Dozens of hours per bird is spent hand painting countless individual feathers and details so you can take those photos up close and personal.
NEW PERMS: Using a new prim animation system we are no longer limited to no mod perms now ALL of the songbirds will be shipped to you with MOD perms so you can easily re-scale them to suit your needs. The animation is also set up to allow you to mod them without breaking the animation.
Detail parts: Making use of mesh for the static parts of the birds (the legs) I was able to give them significantly more realistic looking legs and incorporate additional details all the while keeping the LI (land impact/prims) STILL at only 3 PRIMS for the standing/perching birds.
1 PRIM MESH (not a typo, yes one prim mesh so you can have a large number flying without breaking the prim bank)
Many of you who visited our old GC shop may remember some flying models that were in testing at the time, now they are completed and will be included in EVERY bird we sell and in two flavors as well. Including a random flitting from one position to another within a menu set range AND another type that will do the above but will also random fly in a circular ORBIT pattern left or right as it chooses. This will add even more movement and realism to your home.forest or garden without any laggy scripting (The free-flights DO NOT use vehicle parameters which means they are VERY LOW LAG and CAN BE USED IN SKYBOXES AT ANY ELEVATION).
BONUS SHOULDER PET: As in the past we include a shoulder pet, with all the new birds this shoulder pet shares the same features (menu control) with the standing/perching birds so you can easily change sound or other options when you need to.
Built in Day Cycle Adherence - Every bird now will know at what position the sun is and promptly stop singing and vanish at night shutting down all animation to conserve sim resources to simulate roosting out of sight. This CAN be bypassed in the menu if you have need of your bird to stay up all night or if you want to bring them indoors simply click the 24Hour option in the menu and they will continue to operate all night and day.
Keep watching Lost Creek as I have purposely backlogged MANY new and updated birds to allow for a steady stream of releases so that you all may continue to add to your collections. This is only the beginning of a new adventure.
I think you will be very pleased with our "new" line of improved and not yet seen birds in SL. I take great pride in producing the finest birds and wildlife in SL and great joy from knowing that many of you will enjoy them as much as I do.