* M^2 * Corner building - Japanese City scene 1 of 7 (BOXED/MESH/COPY/MODIFY)
Here comes the second Japanese scenery collection. While the first one was more seated at a town, this new collection is city based. The first building is corner building with a shop in the basement. The LI is just 24 and has an initial foot print of 10x10 meters. Like always it comes with COPY and MODIFY permissions. It has some fine textures and the huge advertisement boards and neon tickers. Of course you can remove the boards and you can also exchange the ads with textures you prefer.
We prove three different door styles (old, modern, glass) with left and right door (1 LI each) and glass windows.
As an add-on to build up a city scenery all parts of the collection features two connectors. So you have an option besides just positioning all buildings next to each other. One is a gallery with a glass roof and nice metal construction (see pictures) and the second is a glass tunnel which you can fit between two buildings.
Follow the store link and come to *SU-SHI*-city and find the building rezzed, enjoy the surrounding or have a look at other related products and gacha.
needs more
Its nice but could be cooler if it had extra floors in it too.