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::MCB:: M-33 Claymore Mine - 4 meters - M33 Claymore anti-personnel mine - Enjoy Roleplay!!!!

::MCB:: M-33 Claymore Mine - 4 meters - M33 Claymore anti-personnel mine - Enjoy Roleplay!!!!
::MCB:: M-33 Claymore Mine - 4 meters - M33 Claymore anti-personnel mine - Enjoy Roleplay!!!!
1 Review

Simple operation, Put it the M33 Claymore to land behind a bush or some thickets of grass, and expects that your enemies approach to the mine (this with a radius of 4 meters ) and will obtain a 100% of down of enemy.

The Mine Claymore down, but does not disappear, so will have to put every time that an enemy go through in front and down.

::MCB:: M-33 Claymore Mine is Copy - No Modify - No Transfer

Enjoy Roleplay!!!!

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Sounds pretty cool...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 26, 2016 by Zartacus

But it doesn't do a darn thing. Makes a decent looking paper weight... but if you're looking for boom... you'll not find it here.

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L$ 10

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MCB toys
MCB toys
Sold by: Montserrat Naidoo

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 88