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MD Group Gift Giver Script DEMO Version 3.6.5

MD Group Gift Giver Script DEMO


MD Group Gift Giver Script - product overview

I. this product is SCRIPT ONLY. You'll have to place it in your group board in order to have it working.
II. DEMO version is available for try before buy.
III. complete user manual: www.mdlabsonline.com/md-group-gift-giver-script-user-manual/

MD Group Gift Giver Script is the perfect script for your gift boards: quick, efficient and robust lets you setup a gift giver board within a few clicks.

This script is so flexible and packed with options that can be used for a wide range of scenarios. Combining all the options, you’ll be able to get exactly the right solution to your needs. This script is especially designed for store owners, whom wants to let customer gift their products.

Here’s a list of the features coming with this great script:
- Easy setup: drop the script along with the group gift and click to configure.
- Group only mode: while the standard behaviour is to let only members of a specific group get your gifts, you can disable this option and let everyone get your gift for free.
- MD Labs Online Services: a dedicated website to track group gift givers, with dozen of detailed statistics. View your giver’s transactions, toggle your givers’s status, rename, delete, reset & more from the web interface.
- Reserve gift: reserve gifts only to specific avatars.
- Manager: add avatars able to control the group gift giver.
- Blacklist: prevent specific avatars to get the gifts.
- Auto backup&restore of reserve gift list, managers, blacklist.
- Gift limit: define a maximum number of available gifts to be given.
- Avatar age, define a minimum or maximum age (in days) and allow only avatars beyond that age to get the gifts
- One item per avatar: activating this option you’ll be sure that your customers will get the gift only once.
- Single/Multiple edit: settings can be changed on a single board or on all the boards in the same region at the same time.
- Owner menu: a specific owner menu, accessible by simple clicking the board, lets you configure your MD Group Giver Script and gives you useful statistics, such as the giver counter and the operation mode.
- Free product updates: you will get MD Group Giver Script updates for free.
- Easy to use and low lag script, designed to let you use a wide number of boards without having impact on your region/sim.

Key features:
- Quick and easy setup, with owner menu.
- Group only mode, gift limit, one gift per avatar.
- Reserve gifts to avatar list and blacklist.
- Avatar age filter, give no-copy items
- Free updates

Item details:
- 0 prim.
- no mod
- yes copy
- no transf

- Full and lifetime support is provided, IM resident Mattia Delwood
2020 MD Labs

  • Quick and easy setup, with owner menu.
  • Group only mode, gift limit, one gift per avatar.
  • Reserve gifts to avatar list and blacklist.
  • Avatar age filter, give no-copy items
  • Free updates
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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it works great!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 31, 2012 by Elisa Catseye

it works great!

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