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<MK> The King Outfit - Belleza - Jake

<MK> The King Outfit - Belleza - Jake


The <MK> King Outift is a gorgeous outfit, with high details, complete with accessories and 4 HUDS.
(without crown*) It is possible to use different styles, in the metals or in the outfit parts.

Complete outfit and colors
- Fur - 25 textures
- Robe - 25 textures
- Pants - 25 Textures
- Shoes and Socks - 20 Texture colors
- Glove - 10 leather colors with 3 slevee laces textures
- Collar - 15 Metal colors
- Scepter - 14 Metal colors
In the metal colors are some compatible with the <MK> The King Crown.

The 4 HUDS are complete with tools and easy to custom outfit, tint tools, alphas, and more.

The <MK> The King Scepter is a free item, enjoy the GIFT 2018-03. Item created for this surprise!

The outfit is compatible with Belleza Jake Avatar and auto-hide.

Scepter and collar NO FITMESH.

The items are copy, mod, and no transfers - SCRIPTS ALL NO MOD.

評価平均: full star full star full star full star empty star
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o my king!
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2020/01/09 : LeonWerse

It looks very cool and interesting.

One problem: very close to the body, because of this shorts through the clothes.
