This Is Only Demo Of My News Skin Maker
the overall appearance of the faces
looked to overworked in comparison to the rest of the run of the mill skin which was left untouched. Much to bleached and blotched. The two don't mesh, no uniformity at all. And the 7 foot 2 inch tall example shape! Imagine how tall with heels on! Unbelievable.
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Other great demo works...!!
I never bored review all this seller are amainzing work for less price the full pack is awesome
Bello Muy reales las quiero todas
El demo es perfecto vale la pena tenerlas todas...
Insisto si quieres hacer skin para vender estas demos y el paquete completo son de gran ayuda
Otro gran producto de esta diseñadora vale la pena el gasto por excelente skin, probad el demo veran que son bien reales