The <MTR> Bow & Arrow is part of our role playing combat system.
The product is mesh and can only be viewed properly by people using a mesh enabled viewer.
You need to be wearing a <MTR> HUD, to use the <MTR> Bow & Arrow. Free <MTR> HUDs are available inworld.
Bow Features:
*Bow & Arrow are MESH.
*2 versions, Holstered and unholstered
*Unlimited Arrows (firing arrows use up SP)
*Realistic release animation with string & arrow action
*Blood particles upon hitting an avatar.
*Arrows leave smoke trails
*Kills <MTR> animals, monsters, and avatars with <MTR> HUDs
How to Use:
There are 2 versions of the Bow in this package. The <MTR> Basic Bow & Arrow v2.1 is just worn in the left hand.
1. Find the <MTR> Bow and Arrow in your inventory. Mostly likely, it will be in a folder labels <MTR>.
2. Rightclick/wear the <MTR> Bow and Arrow
3. Click MENU on the <MTR> HUD, and choose Activate in the list.
4. Scroll forward on your mouse all the way to go into Mouselook to fire the weapon.
5. Leftclick to fire while in Mouselook.
The <MTR> Basic Bow (hand) v2.2 and <MTR> Basic Bow (on back) v2.2 are worn on your back and another worn in your left hand.
1. Rightclick/wear the<MTR> Basic Bow (on back) v2.2 and <MTR> Basic Bow (hand) v2.2 from your inventory.
2. Click either your back or left hand to make the bow appear in the opposite spot.
3. Click MENU on the <MTR> HUD, and choose Activate in the list.
4. Make sure the bow is in your hand. Scroll forward on your mouse all the way to go into Mouselook to fire the weapon.
5. Leftclick to fire while in Mouselook.
Your stamina, or SP, will go down as you fire your weapon. When you are out of SP, you are out of bullets. You can also purchase ammo huds for fast reloads or purchase arrow rezzers for your combat area. Arrow rezzers give SP to allow you to reload with more arrows.
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen Video anzeigen »- Part of the <MTR> Role Play Combat System
- Unlimited Arrows / uses SP
- Blood particles upon hitting an avatar
- Mesh Bow and Arrow with string action
- Holstered and unholstered
Gets the job done
it's okay
It is well scripted and executed, but the whole system is too complicated. If the hud is free, why not including it in the pack? why every time I wear the weapon I have to activate it again? And why do I have to activate it at all?
And the color of the blood isn't right. It looks greenish to me.
Finally found the free HUD
A little confusing to find at the store but the owner contacted me and helped me. great company and easy to use product, lots of fun. Excellent value.