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Medhue Female Bento TKD AO HUD box - female motion capture

Medhue Female Bento TKD AO HUD box - female motion capture

COPY THE HUD - before you lose it or break it, lol.

Included in the package:
Medhue Female Bento TKD AO HUD - wear me

The product includes 45 total animations to control most of your normal movements. 11 Bento standing animations include animations for hands and fingers, which are compatible with all avatars, especially Bento Avatars made with the latest Second Life skeleton. Please only right click/wear, or add. Wearing it any other way may rotate the hud making it unusable.

Animations override your default movement animations automatically. This AO HUD system was created to give the user ultimate control over his/her/? movements in this virtual world.

Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »
  • 45 Total Animations
  • 11 Bento Standing Animations
  • TKD AO HUD system
  • Properly done animations which work well with other animations
  • sit anywhere
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nice but...
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 24/10/2020 de vVEdanaVv

...my hands and also arms sticking in my body, always.. so i will not use it.. sadly :-(

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/9/2020 de Alio Reaper

Will you plan to make male bento AO at some point?

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?