That which is vital needs be defended zealously, and the desperation of the dark ages produced tools and items best suited to make others feel your zeal.
This set was created with the intention of providing an array of choices for arming the new to roleplay and Fantasy, or simply the more recently inducted into it (alts and the like).
Though ultimately divided up into four parts for greater accessibility, this bundle remains with the original intention; To provide affordable arming for peasants and nobles alike.
In this products pictures you will become acquainted with the eight axe types, polearms and included Noble's Sword in the basic material option, as well as the included Animation Overrider HUDS and draw/sheath HUD for the Noble's Sword.
Keep in mind, this bundle is intended for, though certainly not limited to, those who need or desire quality arms en masse quickly, and as such lack the more costly bundles' aesthetic indulgences. In the end, these weapons will make your opposition feel your fatal intent.
- Wide variety of medieval weapons to pick and choose
- Noble's Sword included with multiple texture options
- 100% Original sculpts, textures and mesh
It's dangerous to go alone... Take these
Don't be turned off by the word sculpt, these items are still top banana despite the rise of mesh! Do you like variety? Do you like items with a careful balance of fantasy and history? Then these weapons are the ideal companions for your addventures and roleplay.