- 1プリムのコンテンポラリー·タワー
- 石のテクスチャが使用可能壁に一致
And Old Model that should be withdrawn from Sale.
The problem here is that the model relies completely on using an "Invisiprim" to render the castellated top. SL stopped supporting Invisiprims back in 2011, so over 12 years ago. This model does not Rez correctly because, simply put, the way in which the top of the model is rendered is no longer supported by SL, meaning is does not, nor can ever, work at all. It is as close to a fraud as you will find here, albeit clearly not meant to be a fraud - although the fact that they are still accepting cash for their non-functioning models could be easily interpreted as such. I have lost L$895 by buying this model, with no come-back available to me at all, as the seller, Dragon Ronin, no longer answers any messages or note cards. This person should be removed from the SL marketplace. That is my view. If you don't believe me, try one of his models and say goodbye to your hard-earned L$s. Good luck to you all.