G Generell

Medieval knight: Black Knight (fantasy) horse caparison

Medieval knight: Black Knight (fantasy) horse caparison

A caparison with the arms of a fantasy knight named the Black Knight, in the style of a second half of XIV century knight

The caparisons can be adapted to any brand of horse but are tailored for AKK horses to which they attach automatically by using "Snap Tack" technology.

In the set there are 5 caparisons: for AKK 08 Legend Draft horse, AKK 08 Legend Standard, AKK 09 Draft, AKK 09 Standard and one, tailored on AKK but without saddle that can be customized for different horse brands.

Detailed instructions on how to add it to your horse are included

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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 28.5.2007 von Jezzabelle Zapedzki

Great Item makes my mount look the part. Easy to understand instructions on resizing even for a noob like me ;P

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