G General

Mesh Display Sign Typ A

Mesh Display Sign  Typ A

Stand for vendors or posters with baked Textures and Normal- and Specularmap, 2 sided as divider with 2 lamps
You can exchange the plate for one and two vendors

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Lovely Display, and Excellent Customer Support!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 10, 2022 by Scylla Rhiadra

I was looking for a slightly worn outdoor sign as a label for a building, and found this. The sign is very well made, and beautifully textured. It's fully mod, and the mesh doesn't fall apart at a distance. What's more, it is only 2 LI.

When I had a question about texturing the central panel (which is actually a sort of "placeholder"), I contacted the creator: he responded very quickly, answered my question comprehensively, and was generally very friendly and responsive.

Recommended highly!

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