Decoration mesh avatar
Perfect to rezz in a shop to display clothes
Looks like a real avatar
This avatar is not rigged, so you can't use to wear on your own avatar
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Looks like a real avatar
- Mod so you can add your own skin or textures
- Works with old SL templates
- Only 16 prims for avatar
- Full mesh
Inflexible Mannequin - No Response from Creator
I expected that the various prims of this mannequin would be a linked set so that I could pose it like any mannequin should. That appears to not be the case. I tried to reach Tupac Redstar by IM and notecard several days ago when I bought it but have not received any response. Would never buy any mannequin from him again for certain. This mannequin was a complete waste of time and money as it is now for me.
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