METEOR SHOWER is a device that you can install on your land, and it will trigger an heavy meteor shower on any intruder that approachs inside 8 m of it.
The meteors of various sizes, up to 10 meters of diameter, will fall from the sky. Those are temporary physical objects, this means that they will self-delete inside 60 seconds.
Place simply the object on your land, where you want the intruders be striked by the meteor shower.
The package contains 2 objects:
This one will trigger when any avatar enter in the area. But NOT if the OWNER is present.
This one will trigger when any avatar enter in the area. But NOT if the OWNER or any ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE SAME GROUP that the object is present.
(Note: to use this one, you must imperatively set a group on the object.)
The owner can make the trigger INVISIBLE, by using this command in the main chat:
/1 hide
The owner can make the trigger VISIBLE, by using this command in the main chat:
/1 show
The owner can make a 30 SECONDS TEST, by using this command in the main chat:
/1 test
This will allow to the owner to trigger it as any other avatars.
- Meteor shower devices.
- Meteors of various sizes (up to 10 meters of diameters).
- Trigger of 8 meters range.
- Protection for OWNER and GROUP.
- Hide/show, and test mode.
Very Scary, even for me! :->
I would have given this set that 5th star if the meteor trigger box
was made as copy-able.
I like how large & in charge the meteors are, with the fire & brimstone
effect, like they should have come from hell & not from the sky, lol.
The meteors drop down, hit whatever they're gonna hit (avatars (other than mine, lol),
rezzed items & the ground, roll around for a bit until they finally settle & rest
for a bit until they self delete, I don't have to lift a finger cleaning them up after
the massacre they caused, LOL.
The trigger box is easy to setup, even a linden employee can do it, LOL.
Best 250L I've spent in SL EVER!!!!
Seriously what a riot!!! this thing gives a fantastic worth it!!!!!!!!!