Bring a simple but fun flavor to the party with this avatar cutout. All you need to do is wear the included alpha, remove your other clothing and wear the cutout on your stomach and you are ready to rock the party!!!!
Can Also Be Used As A Decoration On Land
- Resizable Cutout
- Includes Full Body Alpha
- Copy/Mod
- Wear On Stomach
- Can Also Be Used As A Decoration On Land
Love it !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ! Love coming home to see it,,,, Place anywhere you wish and resize bigger if i wanted . You are a Michael Jackson fan you will be happy to have. Yes its see through cutout ,,,, But can bee seen on both sides. Done well and not faded color. For price you cant beat it.... I gave it a 5 stars.. Give a 10 if i could,,,,, Well done,, And thank you again. Michael Jackson fan !
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don t buy it its just a pict ...nothing to do with an avatar ...