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Weather Forecast Board Single
Weather Forecast Board Single Desk/Table
Weather Forecast Board Single with Single Day & 3 Day forecast
Location Name is shown on the Board (max. 24 Chars)
Temperature in C or F
Weather Description in German or English
Wind Speed in km/h or m/ph
Resizeable via Menu
Autoupdate all 30 Minutes
3 to 4LI depends on Style
Changes in Version 2.0
If the API is temporarily not available an API error is then displayed on the weather board and the board tries every 30 seconds to reach the API again.
Worth it!
I have been searching for a good weather unit. I found this and...OMG! I love it! I am a real life meteorologist and weather fanatic. This unit is perfect!
Works as good as I could have ever hoped for.
I love this! This was the last thing I needed to add that last bit of realism for a parcel where I can control other nice things like having 24-hour day cycles with the correct time zone, changing things like foliage of seasonal trees and bushes, adding things like snow emitters or rain emitters and day and night nature sounds outside as well. Now with the aid of this weather forecast, I can imagine the temperature outside as well. Thanks so much!