Michelle's - Weather Forecast Board (Singley Day) Version 2.0
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Weather Forecast Board Single
Location Name is shown on the Board (max. 24 Chars)
Temperature in C or F
Weather Description in German or English
Wind Speed in km/h or m/ph
Resizeable via Menu
Autoupdate all 30 Minutes
Changes in Version 2.0
If the API is temporarily not available an API error is then displayed on the weather board and the board tries every 30 seconds to reach the API again.
Does not work for other locations than US and UK and Germany?
I didn't read this specification in the product description?
Tested in 2 different locations: private land and Linden land
Only works for US, UK and Germany, but not for other countries.
Testé dans 2 endroits différents : terrain privé et terrain Linden.
Fonctionne uniquement pour US UK et Deutchand mais pas pour les autres pays.