I wanted a golf cart that is used in marina and I made it.
page up / page down = shift up / shift down
( 3speed + reverse )
Forward key (W) = accelerator
Backward key (S) = brake
Left and right keys (A, D) = turn
From the menu
I/G main switch on / off
headlight on / off
reset camera position
rescue during rollover
Config Notes
riding position of the driver
set of drive camera
When getting off the car may disappear. If you press the off button on the menu and then get off, it will not disappear surely.
so much fun!
Still trying to figure it out, but it's really great! even sounds electric!
Get a redelivery today
Make a redelivery! I get the Marine Cart as redelivery today and its not empty. Look in Received Items
empty folder
it could be a nice Cart if the folder was full its shame the folder is empty