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(Milk Motion) Scary scarecrow Version 1.0

(Milk Motion) Scary scarecrow

"In the moon's pale light, the scarecrow loomed, its ragged form twisted into a sinister grin. Its empty eyes seemed to pierce the soul, chilling the air with an ominous presence."

The scary scarecrow

4 versions
animated or not
with or without crows

6-8 li

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Does NOT work correctly
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 01, 2024 by Teddy Toocool

Animated eyes do not work, constantly gives script error as the script is no transfer, creator mistake. Contacted the creator but never got a response. Don't waste your Lindens on this item.

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