-What is SocialJar?
SocialJar is a donations stimulating Tipping System that will increase your tips and donations by interacting with your fans and group members automatically by thanking tippers and donators in your group, and to allow them to instantly teleport to your club (and the tipjars' location) thereby increasing traffic on your sim!
-What do I need?
In order to use SocialJar you will need a SmartBots account and a personal or shared bot that is a member of the group you wish to use SocialJar in. (Make sure the bot is allowed to send and receive messages in group!)
-How do I set SocialJar up?
1. Create account
Create a SmartBots account (https://www.mysmartbots.com/)
Invite the bot to the group in which you want to use SocialJar. (Make sure the bot can send and receive messages in the group!)
Rezz the SocialJar package, allow debit, and unpack it. Fill in the SocialJar.Config notecard with your bot details. (check product images for detailed instructions).
4. Set up
Set up SocialJar by touching the items (right click touch or simply touch) and set who can access the tip jar. Owner only or Group only is recommended!
5. Test it!
Have someone other than the owner and bot of the tipjars tip a small amount, and watch if the thank you-message is being posted in your group and see the texture of the tip jar change to the latest tippers' profile pic!
6. Limits
The main limit is that a shared or personal bot cannot send more than 5,000 instant messages per day. However, a message is only counted among members in the group that are actually online to receive them.
-SocialJar Unlimited
SocialJar Unlimited will be available soon to remove these messaging limits and also the requirement for a SmartBots account and necessity of your own bot!
Simply rezz it and start receiving donations, no bots or accounts required!
Keep an eye out on this page for news and updates on SocialJar Unlimited!
- Money jar
- free money
- earn money
- money
- money script
It really works!! Display a message automatically in my group, and usually instantly generates traffic and more tips!! thanks!!
Takes a little time to set up, but it really is amazing.
It really has helped me increase my tips and donations, so I have to put up less of my own money to run the sim. Takes a bit to set up, but you have to read the instructions carefully!