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Monterey Rocking Chair Set

Monterey Rocking Chair Set

The Monterey Rocking Chair Set is highly detailed. You wont be disapointed in this set. Ten High quality animations which includes a knitting animation (touch knitting basket to get needles), parent/prim baby animations( feeding, burping, hold, naptime), chatting, listening, sitting, reading and drinking tea animations. Gives bottle, book and cup of tea. Everything in this set with the exception of the picture frames and flower pot with flowers is 100 % mesh (Picture frames and flower pot with flowers is sculpty). Hope you enjoy this set as much as I do.

  • 10 animations
  • knitting basket that gives knitting needles
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 07, 2018 by Khalilah Hambleton

It says "knitting" as a function of this chair...well there is an animation but, the knitting box does not give the needle or yarn as is promoted. And, i did contact the creator and no service response. So i rate it a one...could have been a 3 or 4 if there had been some Service on this. If a creator says things should happen in a product it should and if not he/she ought to fix the issue. The product will always get a 1 star from me if it does not work.

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