Multiple Items / objects giver script.
You can use unlimited objects to give and updates itself.
Everyone who touches the object where the script is in, receives one or all gifts.
Menu options:
-- Option to switch give mode: one in alphabetical order >>> one in random order >>> all at once.
-- Write your own floating text.
-- Change the floating text color (11).
-- Test the Multiple Item giver on yourself.
-- Reset button.
-- Help button.
-- This script is no modify and no transfer.
-- The menu appears only for the owner.
-- You can drag this script into a linked part.
-- Adjustments easily by menu, no script knowledge required.
-- Your object must be modify to put the script in.
-- Notecard how to use.
How it works:
If you want to give away notecards or landmarks etc, these must first be placed in a cube or box (object). Then place the cube or box in the giver where the script is in.
Step by step explanation in the notecard.
Good luck with the script.
- Menu controlled
- Notecard how to use
Great work, thank you!
things are missing
Posted January 12, 2022 by Axel Naxos 1 star
- one gift per day
- one gift per person
without it, the first user, empty the box!
on January 12, 2022, Fluxilia said:
You use no copy items in a gift giver ???
YES, only no-copy itens!
Fantastic little script - used it in a pumpkin to give out random stuff. Simple to set up using the menu.
awesome script!
this is great script to put into (copy/mod) bags! It's definitely a hit when I'm skating around sims!