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Mystic Elenore Wedding Dress

Mystic Elenore Wedding Dress

gorgeous wedding gown with a lovely corset top and 3 tier lace skirt dress.3 standard mesh sizes and comes with bouquet and veil. Please try the Demo to see just how beautiful this dress is.

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Beautiful wedding dress for maitreya body!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2016/02/03 : Destiny Mynx

I held on to the demo 3 days and I kept going back to it. I was iffy on getting because was worried i had to adjust my breasts and bits cause I am curvy. Breasts are at a 77. I love the way the bottom is. It does not sink into the floor. It is not flexi. That alone is a godsend. Is classy, sexy and beautiful. The money can not be beat. I paired this dress with izzies nipple cover appliers so my nips did not peek out of the top and the voir - first lady ao so my legs didnt kick out of the long skirt. Is a perfect pair. I am ashamed I had not heard of your store before but for my friends getting married I will be sending them your way. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Only one change would be for the demo box that is attached to not be so big since it covered the belly a bit so i had to test in the T- Pose to see how it was but it hindered the view when walking. If anything write demo all over dress or something lol. But anyways thanks again and I love it and thank you!!!!
