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Mythos Symbol / Seal #1

Mythos Symbol / Seal #1

This seal is from an old occult book and may be suitable for decorating your dark and mysterious builds.

It is provided as a single prim with mod/copy permissions. The prim is 100% alpha on all sides except the top where the symbol is located. The background around the symbol is also fully invisible, so you can place this over any floor or wall or any other surface you like.

The symbol is rendered in white so it is fully tintable; in the provided image it is tinted with a very dark grey; but any colour is possible. It may also be resized to any size from 1cm to 10m.

Please note, we accept no responsibility if you choose to decorate your RL home with these arcane symbols, and find yourself actually visited by RL unspeakable meanaces.

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Not Purely Occult
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 13, 2012 by EnderOctanis

As someone who is very knowledgable about symbology, I can tell you that this glyph is actually a ward to repel evil and demons. The incriptions are all actually the different names of the Judeo-Christian God. This glyph has been seen in England that I know of, not sure if it was used throughout Europe or not. It is a very high quality reproduction of an actual ritualistic glyph once used.

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