NOYA** designs has ANGEL Model Shape + 2 Skins + sexy Corset Lingerie + 5 different Lipsticks. We have created ANGEL to seduce, to fall in love with.
Pack includes following:
**NOYA** - Next Generation ANGEL Shape (copy, modify)
**NOYA** Next Generation Skin ANGEL (copy)
**NOYA** Next Generation Skin ANGEL with CLEAVAGE (copy)
**NOYA** Eyebrowtype 3 (copy)
**NOYA** Eyebrowtype 7 (copy)
**NOYA** Soft Lillie Lipstick 1 (copy)
**NOYA** Cherry Lipstick 2 (copy)
**NOYA** Sweet Wine Lipstick 3 (copy)
**NOYA** Flaming Rose Lipstick 4 (copy)
**NOYA** Chantilly Lipstick 5 (copy)
**NOYA** Blue Corset Lingerie - Panties, Jarretelles, Corset, Stockings (copy, modify)
+ updated May 2012: added extra Girl AO with mocap animations from Kuso
*NEW* added a free Animation Overrider with permission from Kuso contains=
-a total of over 131 animations:
54 stands fully animated sexy animations for different height avatars, 125cm, 155 cm and 185 cm
-6 female sexy chairsits
-6 female sexy groundsits , for different height avatars, 125cm, 155 cm and 185 cm
-5 different sexy walks
-1 crouch
-4 incredibly jumps
-1 landing
-1 fly
-4 different female hoovers
-1 falling
-2 different sexy runnings
-6 different swimmings
-turn R
-turn L
Thank you for shopping NOYA
I do not speak English very well
Please sent mail and patient please, I use translation
-I heart you-
=passion for fashion=
**note: requires the facetattoo layer
best and cute thing i have
every place i go ppl say that i spend lot of money in my av and it looks georgous.. thank you noya
Beautiful Avatar
This a beautiful shape and skin always getting ims how beautiful the avatar is,
I Love all of noya"s creations..
love all noya skins
too hard to pick just one i love the most, they all are so great in detail and so life like, angel, i use this one in my star wars rps as my sith lord darth syrin, it has just the kind and gentle, yet still able to be a bitch look i love.
love it
this is my new favorite skin great price and looks
Love it!!!
This skin looks so good on my avi!!! Thank you!
loved it
i love the skin and the face is just awesome