**NOYA** -[PROMO] TIP TOE - BARE FEET - MESH - Female Elegant Feet
**NOYA** designs represents to you our *NEW** MESH - Female TIP TOE BARE FEET created with very high detailed textures, very realistic Rigged Mesh feet in 11 different sizes, including skin color change and nail color change of these elegant female feet by HUD and a footbase that is modifyable so you can change the height.
Rigged Mesh moves with your feet as you walk and change poses, this is the most natural and detailed looking feet as possible. Forget about those noob feet, these feet make you feel more feminine and sexy as you grace your moves along the crowd.
Please understand you need a mesh capable viewer.
Thank you for shopping NOYA
I do not speak English very well
Please sent mail and patient please, I use translation
-I heart you-
=passion for fashion=
*note= requires the use of Alpha-ability viewer and Mesh ability Viewer, if you have one of the latest viewers then you have nothing to worry about.
once you get the color right those look even better than L500+ feet. bought both flat and tip toes. absolutely recommendable.
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Ankles are detached from the foot, the color does not match and you can not adjust the height of the foot .. I wasted 150 linden: (((
MI spiace , caviglie sono staccate dal piede,il colore non corrisponde e non si puo regolare altezza del piede.. ho sprecato 150 linden :(((