Nightfall Tail
Nightfall Tail
Nightfall tail is a bento-animated BOM or non-BOM compatible tail.
Included in the set is
• Seven tail positions for different sized avatars.
• An animated glow layer.
• A customization HUD containing:
- BOM toggle or 44 non-BOM skin options.
- 3 Sit animations, or disable sit option.
- 64 Optional tail fades with three transparency options.
- 19 texture options for the animated glow layer.
- 4 Cel shader textures & toggle.
- 50 Tail tattoo options.
- 17 Metal textures.
- 32 Gem Textures.
- Chain, gem, and ring toggle.
Everything in the set comes with Modify rights. You can customize things further if you have basic editing skills.
P.S. The Non-Bom Skin options are made to complement 44 of Velour's Regular and Fantasy Skintones.
Beautiful tail and love the additions/hud to it
Best tail in SL
High quality with different attachment points so that the tail doesn't come out of your underwear, as I tend to see a lot! Thank you for this product! Would be amazing if we could get different endings for the tail too! <3