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Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)

Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
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This is a 3D mesh animal (not a flat prim!) with a land impact of just 1.

With this purchase you will receive:
1) A properly scaled numbat with a land impact of 1.
2) A numbat version with an extended sticky tongue. Also 1 land impact.
3) So your lovable numbats will have a place to live, with this purchase you will also get a sculpted hollow gum tree trunk,with a realistic darkness effect - 2 land impact.
4) A museum specimen in a glass case - 4 land impact.

The Numbat is a small, colourful marsupial. It is also known as the banded anteater and is native to Australia. Unlike most marsupials, it is active during the day and feeds on termites. Adult numbats are solitary and territorial.

Today, numbats are found only in areas of eucalypt forest, but they were once more widespread in other types of semiarid woodland all throuought the southern parts of Australia. The numbat is currently an endangered species, as a result of predation by invasive species such as the fox and cat.

Today most wild numbats must live in wildlife reserves surrounded by special anti-predator fences to keep said cats, foxes and wild dogs out.

One of the most endearing Australian animals, the Numbat will be a great addition to your sim or home.

Thanks to its small size, it also makes for a great shoulder pet that is bound to draw interest and positive attention at any SL party (trust me - works like a charm, I tried it myself many times :)


L$ 200

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Ancient Designs
Ancient Designs
Sold by: Ais Aeon

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1