G Général

[OO] Landmark Catalogue 2.0 - Rolodex Version 2.0

[OO] Landmark Catalogue 2.0 - Rolodex

[OO] Landmark Catalogue "Rolodex"

This carefully crafted gadget was designed to store
and dispense hundreds of landmarks (up to 1000!)

- Easy to use menu system
- Drag & Drop setting
- Original design with custom, sculpted parts
- Rotating animation
- Low prim usage (7 prims!)
- LOD optimized
- Lag-free custom Mono script with easy to use menu

- MOD/TRANS permissions!
- Free, lifetime upgrades!

- Drag and drop your landmarks from your inventory
into the object's contents
- Give them short and informative names

The Golden Oriole
Antiques & Curiosities

Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 étoile :
Looks fabulous
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/11/2012 de Knowledge Tomorrow

Does exactly what it says

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