This is a nicely crafted futuristic home resembling the home structure from the movie Oblivion.
This structure is a combination of mesh and prim.
Most everything should be self explanatory within.
Highlights include:
* Climbable ladder(slow going).
* Working light fixtures.
* Massage table for two.
* Functioning Gym.
* Small radio music box with multiple songs to select from.
* With a proper swim HUD the pool should be usable ~ uses the prim swim lite script.
* Functioning shower and bath.
* A flyable Podship! With a little practice this vehicle can be FUN.
* Added bonus ~ Telescope for two.
- EZ Rez Faux rezzer.
- Small in game Jukebox with songs.
- Function gym.
- A flyable Pod ship vehicle!
This is a Must Have!!! It is Awesome!!! This is Some Kind of Prim Magic !!!
This is Very Stylish and You Feel Like Your in the Movie. And The Flyer is Amazing. You Should See Those Star Wars Ships Trixie made, those are taking my breath away !!!