Welcome to the region where the moon kisses your cheeks
Thank you for checking this item! But wait, don't buy it yet! Here are some things you must know:
✨This item is unrigged.
✨Comes with 7 different finger poses. The arms and the rest of the anatomy are not animated, just the fingers, in this way your AO and animations will still work perfectly with the item.
✨Comes with a color changer hud so you can customize the way it looks and make it suit your aeshetetic.
IMPORTANT: This item will get an update soon, vaping animations + smoking particles will be added, this update will be free of charge for those who got the item.
See item in Second Life- Holdable
- Unrigged
- Animated
- 100% original mesh
- Color changer hud included.
Read before you buy so now i gotta wait for the upate i gues to blow smoke
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