Welcome to the region where the moon kisses your cheeks
Thank you for checking this item! But wait, don't buy it yet! Here are some things you must know:
✨This item is unrigged.
✨It includes 6 different poses to hold the item. But it also comes with a no poses version.
✨This item will give you random predictions at touch, since the item is modify you can edit the notecard inside the pendulum to change or add your own predictions.
✨Pendulum also comes with a hud to change the colors of the crystal to give you the biggest level of customization.
- Holdable
- Unrigged
- Animated
- 100% original mesh
- Interactive
Interactive accessories are always a plus
I have the Tell Me accessory from Octubre and I had to get this. The pendulum looks nice and the poses it contains fit well with it. The pendulum being mod makes it such a pleasure to customize since you can do more than what the HUD includes and being able to add your own Quotes makes it all the better. It says it has animations so I thought it would swing side to side or swing in a circular motion, animations like that but I couldn't find any animations (maybe an idea for a future product). It's still a good buy.
Amazing accessory
I can't stop "playing!with it! I love the fact that we can choose the poses and the textures are too cool!