[Schultz Bros.] 1904 Subway Entrance & Exit - BIS
From the 1920's New York Project
Modeled after the original subway entrances of New York City.
BIS: Built in snow. Use this version to easily change snow on / off.
1904 Subway Entrance [33 LI]
1904 Subway Entrance BIS [36 LI] <--- Built in Snow, On & off w/ HUD.
1904 Subway Exit [31 LI]
1904 Subway Exit BIS [34 LI] <--- Built in Snow, On & off w/ HUD.
Schultz Bros. Snow HUD
1. Wear the [Schultz Bros.] Snow HUD.
2. Click HUD to toggle snow on / off. Done.
# CAUTION!* HUD, WILL change any BIS item in shout range.
Thank you for your purchase.
Any questions please let me know,
-Jogi Schultz
Schultz Bros.
- 100% Handmade Mesh
- Great LOD distance
- Includes Snow & without
wonderfully crafted 3 thmbs up!
I grew up in NYC and this is a beautiful rendition ! 5 thumbs up !
Great attention to detail and prim count
Schultz offers a great selection of period buildings with lots of detail and realism, which is all too rare and hard to find in SL. Clearly on par with the likes of Apple Fall, Fanatik and Dust Bunny. Good work!