Old Tan Striped Couch - Copy Version
That favorite, old, hand-me-down couch that you just can't get rid of, with a warm, domestic, striped pattern that says to any visitor: "Sorry, this is the best I can do." Complete with, cozy, knit, green, throw blanket, You'll enjoy hours of relaxation and cuddling on this fine example of modest practicality that is the Old Tan Striped Couch!
*This is the Private Use Version. The Basic, No Copy/Transfer version(L$500) is also available on SL Marketplace. See Related Items
Old Tan Striped Couch
by Outy Banjo
*Used and worn-looking design with 3D prim detail for every cushion, exposed frame element, and flap
*Warm, comfort-friendly textures, with attention to all sides and surfaces
*Menu-driven animations
*Includes 8 custom avatar animations between four sets: "Relax", "Find Remote", "Cuddle", and "Kiss".
*Each set has 2 animations-One for each sitter. You can switch between animations in a set by yourself or with someone else.
*Avatar position and rotation is also menu-adjustable
It's all ready to go. Just rez, and put it where you want it, and touch to start. (Or sit first. Either order.)
Old Tan Striped Couch has a dialogue menu to control it's animations. Touch it to bring up this menu.
The first few buttons in the menu will be for animation sets like "Relax" or "Find Remote". These can be used to set an animation before you sit, or while you're sitting.
The "Adjust" button will let you manually position and rotate your avatar in small increments and it will save your changes for that animation(The Adjust button will not work for someone who isn't sitting). It will then bring up another menu to select the seat, or "Restore Defaults". Restore Defaults will reset all animation position adjustments back to the state they were in out of the box. You can select which seat is adjusted, and either person can make position and rotation adjustments for either seat. Once you've selected a seat, you'll see a menu that let's you chose to adjust Position(Starts with "p") and Rotation(Starts with "r"), which axis("X", "Y", "Z"), and lastly, plus or minus(+/-). Displayed at the top of the menu is your current local position and rotation. You can look at these to keep track of your changes. "Local" position and rotation means relative to the object, so this does not necessarrily correspond with global position. It also means, that to go "Up" might mean reducing the position and increasing the position to go "Down". It may seem confusing, but just watch which way your avatar moves when you click a change and keep going that way if it's the right direction, or go the other way if it isn't.
"Dimsmount" will unsit you in the same way that clicking "Stand Up" on your client will.
It also has a "Switch" button that will let you switch between animations and positions of a given set. So in the "Relax" set, one position will have you laying sideways at one end of the couch, and the other will have you sitting, leaning against the other side of the couch. Clicking "Switch" will toggle you between those two. If there's another person sitting on the tub, it will reverse your positions and animations between those two.
When sitting on the couch, if the position, rotation, or animation seems dramatically off, be sure to turn off any animation device that you have running, such as an animation overrider.
Design, Textures, Scripts, and Animations Copyright 2007-2008, Mark Shakocius, Owner of Outy Banjo, The Dirty Banjo, Outy's Particle Paradise, O Scripting, and Outy Junction. Redistribution of textures, scripts, and animations prohibited.
These items are also available in-world for package or seperate purchase at:
The Dirty Banjo, SandyBeach West (145, 110, 21)
- 8 Custom Animations For 4 Sets
- Menu-Driven, Poseball-less
- Sits 1 or 2
- 19 Prims
L$ 1,000
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
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- User Licensed