PFC~Trapped Soul Version 1.0
Hello, thank you for your interest in this necklace
Trapped Soul is a necklace made with the bones, claws, feathers and skull of a raven
It is stretchable 1 single link mesh, it comes for female or male (the model is slightly reshaped to fit both torsos)
Theres no feather color options or any other customizations, only what you see in the pic
thats all!
Pucca Firecaster
Voodoo People Magic People!
When I am looking for something attractive, distinctive and with personality I come to this store, it has never failed me in that nor in the extraordinary quality of design and textures and this necklace also has it that fits perfectly to any body with minor adjustments.
Beautiful Voodoo Necklace
My RP character needed this. I like that face that it's long and covers some cleavage. Well made and a good price. Thank you.