G 全般



Congratulations on your new baby!!

Step 1. Pull the new item "POOTERBILT Baby 1.0 (unpack me)" out of your inventory and rez it on the ground.
Step 2. Open the package and Copy it to your inventory.
Step 3. Pull the "POOTERBILT Baby 1.0" out from your inventory and rez it on the ground, then pick it back up.
Step 4. Go to your inventory and wear the "POOTERBILT Baby 1.0"
Step 5. Select a Name for your baby. Type /9 and the new name in local chat.. then press enter.
Step 6. Left click the baby's face or head and press "Race" from the menu to choose your baby's race.

Your baby is fully functional now and you can enjoy it. Be sure to take good care of it. It has health which means you can affect your baby by not caring for it, or keep it healthy by being a great parent.

Others can tend to your baby if you pass it to them too!!

Others can interact with your baby while you hold it, but this does not affect the baby's overall health.

To make your baby talk (Say what you want it to say) - Type /222 and your message in local chat, then press enter

To get your baby's health status, touch your baby's face or head, and select "Life" from the menu, then "Health" and select "Show" to let others see, or "Hide" to keep it personal.

To put your baby to sleep, or wake it up - Touch the baby's face or head, then "Life" from the menu, then choose to go to sleep or awaken your baby.

You can provide your own clothes to dress your baby:
Step 1. Simply right click and select edit on the baby while it is on the ground, or while you wear it.
Step 2. Grab a texture of your choice and drag it from your inventory into the Contens tab of the edit menu. (Make sure your texture is Full Mod, and it's best to use jpeg instead of targa or png)
Step 3. Close the edit menu. Left click the face/head of the baby and and select Clothes from the menu to start selecting your clothing to wear.

About Health:

Positive things afffecting health-
Checking or changing your babies diaper, clothing it, giving it a blanket, feeding it, putting it to sleep, making it talk (with "Talk" command), interacting with it, or taking it to the Doctor (POOTERBILT Doctors - if available) for care can boost your baby's health. Doctors can scan your baby to determine its health status.

Negative things affecting health-
If your baby is hungry, woken up, stopped from feeding, cold, soiled, sleepy, bored, gassy, or expells gas, it will decline your babies health.

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for improvement - please feel free to IM me
POOTER Belfire

  • Changeable Faces and skin
  • Boy or Girl
  • Renameable
  • Speaks in Chat
  • Health Features
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2019/01/05 : vampiremoonlightsky

Excellent would defiantly recommend!
