Rezzer Paddle Boat
seulement 2 prims pour rezzer.
rez illimité.
zéro prims rez un bateau.
Bateau à aubes en 3 couleurs.
n'importe qui peut rezz et monter le bateau
utiliser sculpted prims.
2 animation pose quelques
copie / version Mod
L'accès des véhicules .... publique et du propriétaire
Speed....high véhicule / moyen / faible.
script et animation en bateau perm.Paddle copie, rezzer, rez bot, bateau, cruche, sampan, chaloupe, bateau amant couple, voilier, bateau à moteur, bateaux, bateau à moteur, bateau, style de fou,
Good for them who can't use speed boats I know a few weeeeeeee shoot off sims. no problems
sinks in water!!
i used the skye water system and every time i rezz the paddle it flies off and the script is no mod. i messaged the creator and no answer so i had to write this review. will edit it when my problem is fixed!!
These are great little boats, my guests LOVE them!
Great boats for sim and estate resort owners, easy to use, and new people learn how to use them instinctively! A very nice experience for guests!
I really Love it .
all my friend love it...i so happy..give you 10 star.
Cute but...
These are very cute, which is why I bought them, but I was disappointed that in animation mode you can't pan around to watch yourself from all angles. The only view the operator has is of the back of the boat.