Swan Paddle Boat Rezzer Version 1.0
Market Price : L$599
Please test the boat in in-world.
Swan Paddle Boat at Second Life Only 2 Land Impact
{ Swan Paddle Boat only For SL water }
- 100%Mesh
- 2 Land Impact -very low prim
- driven menu
- Access= owner and Public
- 2seater/driver and Passenger [ 2 animation poses]
-4 Color to choose - green/pink/blue and yellow
- all the texture map in object content is full perm.
###How To ride a Boat####
-click the rez board and choose color.
-Rez a boat
-Touch the Boat start ride.**Important*
-anyone can ride the Boat ----if you select public in permission
--anyone can rezz and ride the Boat [it disappear when people leave the Boat.unlimited rez.]
-copy and modify version
[After sit on the boat ,Click the boat to pop up the driven menu]or right click select "touch"
-Vehicle access....Public and Owner
-Boat Speed....High,Medium and Low
1.touch "Boat " to drive boat...WASD key
2.touch" Boat" for 2nd person [passenger]
Please test the boat in-world before buy.
See item in Second Life View Video »