Watch the demo video:
Type "/33menu" and a menu will drop down allowing you to choose 12 colors, 3 spreads or turn the particles off.
You can also use voice commands on channel 33, as follows:
/33 on_off
/33 small
/33 medium
/33 big
/33 white
/33 black
/33 gray
/33 blue
/33 red
/33 green
/33 yellow
/33 cyan
/33 magenta
/33 lavender
/33 rainbow
/33 random
Enjoy !
Come to Party Particle Shop:
This works well with my matrix theme stuff. But it's hard to find were it is to pick it up on my land. lol
Need new one
I baught it but diden't recive it, my internet timed out while I payed for it (What are the chances)
From the look it looks awesome, But its stupid to reveiw something you havn't seen, so I'll type one once I recive it.