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Pay Teleporter Set - Displays OCCUPIED / VACANT

Pay Teleporter Set - Displays OCCUPIED / VACANT

Users can pay to travel to the destination and Staff can use for free.

Optional Security Orb can keep out unauthorized visitors while the area is not in use and Eject people that overstay their rental.

Check out all the Features below!

* Set up to 4 Prices & Rental Times
* 1 Rental Time may be set for Free
* Occupied Mode can be turned off for 1 way
* Optionally Users may pay to Add Time
* Eject after Time is Up option
* Teleport Avatar Home can be used instead of Eject
* Security Sweep option for when not in use
* 60 Name Access List for Staff free use
* Optional Allow Group members free as staff
* Restricted mode for Staff only / hides pay options
* Optional Profit Percentage Splitting
* Both Telepads show Time Remaining
* Owner/Manager Control Touch Menus
* Off Mode
* Built-In Updates Checker

Please Note: These teleporters can take avatars a maximum of 4000 meters away, in the same sim.

Patrons can pay the amount you set to teleport to destination. While they are gone the teleporter will display "Occupied" and not allow others to use.

The patron may use a second regular teleporter, (included,) to go back to original location. The Pay Teleporter will revert to Vacant upon their return. Optional 'Add Time' feature can be enabled by owner allowing them to pay for more time before their time runs out.

If they do not use the return teleporter to return, there is a built in timeout function that you can set to any amount of minutes. Once this timeout is reached the teleporter will return to Vacant on it's own and the patron and any guests in area will be ejected after a two minute warning. (Eject feature is optional and can be turned off.)

The included Security Orb can even be set to scan when the room is not in use and eject any unauthorized intruders. Intruders will be given a warning to leave immediately before being ejected.

There are two different eject modes, one for ejecting to the nearest parcel and another for sending avatars to their "Home" location.

Up to 60 avatar names can be added to an Access List and a Group may be authorized as well for Free Teleporting and use of rental options for your staff and friends. Also these avatars can never be ejected.

Linden Dollars can be shared between up to 4 owners including the object owner. You may set any individual percentages for each owner.

The Owner(s) can Touch the Teleporter to turn them Off/On from a special dialog menu.

Also available as COPYABLE too!

  • Set up to 4 Prices & Rental Times
  • Users may pay to Add Time (Optionally)
  • Optional Profit Percentage Splitting
  • Eject after Time is Up option
  • Security Sweep option for when not in use
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Nice but no copy....
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 31, 2021 by Sleepy Husbando

Welp, all was well until I screwed something up when trying to link two pieces of the return teleporter together because they were not linked and kept resizing when clicked. Long story short, that messed the script up which then launched me out of my parcel several feet into the ocean and messed everything else up. Now I have no idea where it went and cannot rez another version because its not copyable. I can't even redeliver another copy to myself so I've essentially just wasted 300L. ....Nice :)

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Not happy
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted January 10, 2018 by prototypehacker420

Sure the teleporters may work well, but why did i just get charged 300L for something that I could of gotten copyable versions for only 100L.

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Fast setup and easy to use!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 22, 2014 by uxb

Setting up these pay teleporters in my venue was extremely easy and they have been working fine ever since. Highly recommended!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 26, 2012 by Passion Porchers


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Thank you
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 24, 2012 by Rioki Feldragonne

Thank you

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 13, 2008 by jeaniesing Trilling

great product, I even got the free update teleporter

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