Photographers Portrait Backdrops "Vintage" (Pre-loaded) Version 2.2
Ready to take the plunge and set up a studio? Yes you'll need to buy a set of lights, and the best camera to capture the images you desire (see Related Items below), but what's behind the subject is as important as what's in front of it.
From roughly 1860 to 1920 painted photography backdrops were a standard feature of early photography studios. Today modern backdrops come in a wide variety of sizes, and materials, and range from simple solids to subtle patterns; even custom-painted and photo-realistic scenes.
So, what kind of backdrops are out there, and which are best for you? If you’re an experienced professional or just starting out you need a flexible setup that is either preloaded with images or can be easily loaded with your own unique textures. Just as with lighting systems and cameras, backdrops require some kind of support; The best employ heavy duty tripods with height adjustments.
This may seem to limit your choices, but not by much...
Luna Fatale offers a quality low prim 100% Mesh fully scripted backdrop that comes preloaded with backgrounds that also allows you to load your own unique images. Reasonably priced, quality mesh and equal to those costing 10 times as much.
★ This version does not include studio lights or camera, they are displayed for illustrative purposes only. Please see the Related Items for packages that include studio lights and complete studio solutions.
● Ready to Use: ALL versions include or come pre-loaded with standard Chroma key colors. The six (6) primary colors for both Subtractive and Additive color schemes are included. (Chroma keying the background allows many options for image manipulation applications such as Photoshop.)
● Versatile: Purchase with PRE-LOADED Background Images and/or LOAD YOUR OWN (see Related Items below).
● Ease of Use: Completely Menu Driven (no notecards to configure).
● Heavy Duty Supports: Two tripods matching our popular PRO Series Studio Lights are included to assure your backdrop stays in place.
● RESIZABLE: Menu Assisted Resizing
● 100% Low Prim MESH
● Lifetime Free Upgrades
● 100% Low Prim Mesh Menu Assisted Photo Backdrop with 2 supporting tripods - 6 LI/PE
▶ Preloaded with Vintage images and still able to be loaded with your own additional unique textures.
● 100% Low Prim Mesh Menu Assisted Chroma-key Backdrop (large "floor) with 2 supporting tripods - 4 LI/PE
▶ Preloaded with Chroma-key images and still able to be loaded with your own additional unique textures.
● Basic 1-prim Menu Assisted Chroma-key Photo Backdrops with large curved "floor" & preloaded textures.
▶ Preloaded with Chroma-key images and still able to be loaded with your own additional unique textures.
- PRE_LOADED with Background Images and ready to LOAD MORE OF YOUR OWN
- Ease of Use: Completely Menu Driven (no notecards to configure)
- RESIZABLE: Menu Assisted Resizing
- 100% Low Prim MESH
- Lifetime Free Upgrades
Fantastic for photography work
This vintage set is perfect for any type of photo's you may want to take. Well worth the money at twice the price. You cannot go wrong with this.
Excellent high-quality backdrops
Really effective backdrops, and with excellent customer service to match.