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Photoshop Brushes latex -Demo

Photoshop Brushes latex -Demo

For the first time in SL !

**** The producte is a DEMO of my new collection of brushes vinyl Latex ****

for prefect latex efect clothes

--1 BRUSHES --
2 format ABR for photoshop
(1 for photoshop 6 and UP & 1 for CS2 and UP)

+ 1 files PGN for use in Gim or other graphique programme.

+ one PSD file for exemple

for use directly on your own templates in photoshop

*** Immediate File Download

after buy you reseved one box with a delivery box, rez the delivery-box and clic on it for receved you direct download link
** if for any raison you have a problem juste contact me and i resend you your link ^^


Terms of sale:
You can NOT sell or give away the kit full permission or as a or part of a business package. "you are not autorized to resell the texture but only in fashion format" and only in copy-modif or modif/trans but never in copy/trans or copy/modif/trans
are property of me the seller/creator and you pay the seller/creator for the ability to modify and use the files for private use to make product to sell in your own business.

I can not give you any refunds since the package are full permission,
Violations against any of these conditions may cause me to take legal actions against the violator.

Please DO NOT resell or give away the textures which I am selling to you. They are my original SL creations and I do not authorize you to sell or give them away in any way except in your own creations. You CAN NOT sell these creations as FULL PERM. Thank you for respecting my work. Any violation of these terms will be reported to Linden Labs for Violation of TOS and possible Legal Proceedings

Visite the site Web Absolut Creation

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File doesn't exists
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 17, 2018 by Souzan Hendes

File doesn't exist. Please fix it.

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Download link not working
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 09, 2016 by Olgita Ruby

File is not available any longer for sharing says the web site. Please fix!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 20, 2011 by Rabbarbaro

Just what i need ^^

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photoshop latex brushes
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 04, 2011 by angelbaby1 Rozen

latex photoshop brush set

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