Sail on even stranger tides as the captain of your very own pirate ship and look sharp doing it too! The outfit can be worn in three different options: Jacket and vest, vest, or shirt only. The sword is safe scripted with draw/sheath animations and can be modified to add your own scripts. The full outfit includes: shirt with corset, shirt sleeves, shirt with vest, vest flexi bottom, coat (jacket layer), jacket sleeves, flexi bottom, jacket collar, hat, baldric and sword, boots, necklace and mismatched earrings.
The outfit, boots, and jewelry can be purchased as a bundle or sepparately.
System clothing - Copy only
Prim clothing - Copy/Mod
Scripts - Copy only
Regardless of age it's still the classiest in SL
I bought this outfit years ago! I own a TON of pirate clothes and after all these years this outfit still remains my favorite. It is worth every Linden! I remember contacting the creator and asked her to please do some more pirate outfits...she refused and was not nice about it unfortunately....I assume she felt this was her Magnum Opus. I will have to agree because it is lightyears ahead of ANY other pirate outfit in Second Life! Go and buy it now!
Nice but TO old for this price!
very expensive for an old prim-build - but looks nice
Holy moly this is an awesome pirate costume! Best one on SL. Using Maitreya body. Very happy with this purchase! ~Aaawwwweeeesome!
Absolutely Beautiful
Despite this being a non-mesh outfit, it is still beautiful. Out of the Pirate outfits for women, this has to be the best one I have seen on the Market Place. Also the option to wear it with Jacket on or off gives it a plus in my book.
The Outfit if Fabulous, but the boots uggh!
I would still buy it if you want to look great, you will, but I wore other boots, I can't stand the disjointed look of the ones that came with this outfit. I would have rated it a 5, because the outfit is, but won't because of the boots.