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Portal Teleporter - Ruins Version 1.2

Portal Teleporter - Ruins


Portal Teleporter Ruins
Multi location, grid wide and region wide.


✔ Experience based teleporter, multiple locations, grid wide.
✔ Neat, simple and easy setup, add your landmarks, customize it on menu, thats it!
✔ No notecards, no need to rename landmarks to a short name.
✔ Menu to choose location sent when walking through, and on touch if enabled.
✔ Operating modes: Anyone, Group Only or Owner Only.
✔ Up 100 locations per portal.
✔ 6 textures built-in, or just use your own, refer to pictures in this listing.
✔ Any RGB color, options on menu for glow, alpha, rotation, and particle animation.
✔ DIY model included for you make your own if you want, along with scripts to help tweak physics and collisions.
✔ Complete model with only 5 LI.
✔ DIY model is only 1 LI.
✔ Single location model included for both regular and DIY models. (No menu presented to the guest)
✔ Requires "experience" added and enabled in your land. (Steps included in instructions notecard)



Copy and Modify.
All scripts are no mod.

This item is also available at our Main Store, at the 2nd level. (follow stairs to the left).


Updated: September 2022.

Update v1.2:
- Single Location Model
Fix condition where teleporter would stay locked waiting for a single avatar, not allowing others to use the teleporter.

Update v1.1:

- Added a Single Location model for both the regular and DIY models to all portal teleporters.
The Single Location models will not present a menu to the guest and teleport as they walk through (and optionally on touch if enabled)

As with all updates, they are free, and you should have received a new version.
If for some reason you did not received this version, feel free to do a redelivery here at the marketplace, or send me an IM for purchases in-world.

I hope you will enjoy this item as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Any questions feel free to IM me. Have fun!


Andred Darwin.
LunaMare Designs.

See item in Second Life
  • Teleporter Multi Location
  • 6 built-in textures, animation options on menu
  • Just add your landmarks, simple setup, no notecards
  • Grid wide and region wide locations
  • Easiest portal teleporter.