Q Creations presents Volcano Island!
This is a fantastic off-sim addition to your ocean front land. What's really cool is this volcano behaves like a real volcano, with periodic eruptions! Sometimes it smokes a little, sometimes it smokes a lot, sometimes there will be a small eruption. If you're lucky you'll also witness a really big eruption that happens only a few times a day!
Check this volcano out in SL!
The cycles of eruptions, smoke, etc. are wonderful
The price is unbelieveable...having had this...I'd easily pay 10X the price. Adds a nice accent to my island...sometimes it is quiet, some times a bit of smoke, on occasion a full eruption, probably my favorite feature on my island.
Exciting, Gorgeous and Alive!
It is absolutely exciting waiting to see what the Volcano is gonna do next and for when it is going to blow (erupt). lol. The workmanship is gorgeous. I followed the directions in the notecard and had no problem sitting it off sim. I am loving that this volcano looks ALIVE. Thank you!
Excellent value! And it erupts randomly, looks great on my parcel and friends come over to watch it erupt! Thanks so much.
I have it behind a my castle tower with lavas. Adds a prefect backdrop for an off sim piece.
Excellent add-on for your sim!
An exceptional bargain for the L$10 price, especially with it being both copyable and modifiable. Since it *is* modifiable, you can even turn the usually-invisible "anchor" prim into something suitable to decorate your property wherever it happens to end up (a seashell, an inner tube, a bottle, whatever). My friends who've seen it on my parcel think it must've cost L$1000 or more for something of this quality and versatility!