REAL FASHION Cut out strappy dress - Full Permissions
1 dress fitted mesh in 8 sizes (5 standard, 2 curvy and a basic)
3 colour textures (black, white, grey)
3 uv maps (one foe each material)
normal map
3 shadow maps (one for each material)
alpha texture
alpha layer
Terms and Conditions
Content of this package can not be sold with full permissions
Mesh models can not be sold under 99 lindens or given away for free
Textures can not be sold separately
Try Demo item before purchasing
- New Rigged Mesh Design
- Total Photo-Realism as always :)
- Full Permissions
- Amazing prices in ALL our models!
- QUALITY signed by by
great !!
love your full perm work !! Hope you make more soon !
Great dress!!! lots of fun!!
This dress is great!! The alpha needed some minor tweaking so while dancing my upper stomach didn't pop out, but was a very simple easy fix!! If it wasn't for dancing I wouldn't have needed the alpha at all! It fits very well!!! had lots of fun working with this dress!
Shame no demo
This looks like a great dress but its almost impossible to wear, there's an alpha layer included but because the dress is strappy you then end up seeing straight through your body. It would take a lot of body adjusting to get right.