A full fitmesh furry avatar with many, many features and plenty of ways to customize including a detailed animated face, different tail options and much more!
Includes links to a thorough development kit.
Dynamic blush layer added
SL skin and full perm skin textures provided for 3rd party appliers. - Which you will find in the miscellaneous folder delivered from the main box.
Two head versions - one separated for use with other bodies.
Detailed HUD with many options and features. (7 pages)
By Raawr Avatars
- Version 1.2 closely follows SL Skeleton for better fitting clothing and hair
- Modular and segmented body with alpha cuts
- Dynamic blush layer
- Sl Skin and full perms skin textures included for 3rd party applications
- Male, Female and Femboy bodies delivered from the box into neat wearable folders
New review for update!
I preveiously reviewed this product and rated it a 3 out of 5 stars but now with the update the problems I had seen seem to be all fixed and thus it deserves a solid five out of five starts. It's cute, it can wear mesh clothing, the alpha cuts seem to work well. And look at that face you can't go wrong with that face!