Rental Box Payment System V1 Version 1
Simple and easy to setup payment system with good looking mailbox design in 2 shapes.
Menu options:
- L$/week=set costs per week.
- Prims=enter available prims as shown in floating text when area available.
- IM me on/off=Instant Message to me when area available again.
- Add L$=give more time to renter.
- Text color=to enter a color vector to change text color.
- Shape=to tranform from "Modern Titanium" to "Old English" design and back.
- Reset=to reset the script and install the default settings.
- Pole=retract pole for mounting box on wall.
The floating text shows automatic:
When space available:
- Pay this box to rent,
- Available prims,
- L$/week
When rented:
- Time left:,
- Days, hours, minutes,
- Rented by:
- Renter Name.
- Notecard to write specifications in is given to anyone when touched the box except the owner.
- The money goes to the owner.
- The object is copy/mod, the script only copy.
- The menu appears only for the owner.
- The renter can add any amount of L$.
- You can add L$ at any time through the dialog menu to give more time to the renter.
- You can change the text color and prims at any time, the remaining time appears within 1 minute when rented.
- Total available minutes are visible in the description bar.
- You can change the L$/week when rented, but the old price that was already payed was already calculated into time left.
- Notecard how to use.
Have fun :)
Good luck with the box.
- Menu controlled.
- Notecard how to use.
Easy to use, and straight to the point
Love it
set and forget system ..... if I can set this up anyone can!